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Saturday, February 28, 2009


There is a shortage of 11000 officers in Indian army.Recently Indian army started campaigning through TV ads to motivate peoples to join army.Common man thinks its just the basic step taken.Common man would like to share further some points that Indian army can implement to have the success in their mission.
  1. There should be short term service of 5 years.
  2. Short term commissioned officers should get limited promotion & long term officers to the topmost position.
  3. Shouldn't make high academic qualifications compulsory for short term commissioned officers.
  4. Entry examination pattern for short term officers should be easy then the existing pattern.
  5. Short term officers should get assistance for further studies to get livelihood from other job after quiting the job.
  6. Of course higher monetary policy matters.
  7. Better living society for the family.
  8. Better education facility to the children's.
  9. Better pension plans for them.

I think army is the most respecting occupation.Even Prince Charles son's are overcoming all sort of hurdles to be the part of armed forces.Armed forces provide service to the nation directly.If army really wants to overcome the shortage,they got to consider all the steps suggested by the common man.Although a number of people desires to give service to the nation but their dreams get destroyed when they can't qualify the entrance exams.

We saw during the Kargil war,how much motivated Indian civilians are,who offered to give free service in the army but denied by the top official.So its not like they got to take tough steps to promote army service but to take logical steps to overcome the shortage.Government is already giving a big amount of fund to the forces.The logical utilisation of funds will bring the difference.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Although population is the biggest potential market that any business look after but accordingly it brings number of obstacles.Increasing population leads to higher demand for food that leads to increase in fertiliser usage that brings good crop which attracts pests.Now comes in the picture the usage of pesticides.

Now it has got different dimensions.First when the water flows carrying pesticides,water is absorbed by the grass that is graged by the herbivores,& the pesticide goes directly in the body.Secondly,when the water flows carrying pesticide it goes into river that affects aquarium lives.Thirdly when the humans eat those crops it goes directly into their body.Fourthly when the pregnant women take those items,it goes indirectly to the infants body.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When the Oscar was announced common man was thinking is India really shining?Yes to some extent it is true.World is recognising the hard working people.India or rather Indians are making impact on the broader stage.Everyone is going ga-ga on the events going on that naturally they should be.But what about the 75% of the Indian population,the farmer community.First thing that comes into our mind regarding this is the farm loan waiver budget passed by the UPA government.It was the great initiative but still we hear the suicides having impact on the said community.

Farmer is the part of the community which not always look for big returns as the normal business community expects.A farmer has a great responsibility to fulfill the day to day increasing demand of the population increasing rapidly.When the initiatives don't reach to the deserving candidate common man feel bad.Although the 60000 crores loan waiver budget passed but the common man knows that it is the mediators or the middlemen who is enjoying the benefits.The common man thinks that the funds would rather have been used in development of the agriculture.Better irrigation facility,high yielding variety of seed,productive land,organic fertilisers,etc.That would have indirectly benefited the farmer community only & henceforth the economy of the country.