Common man was asleep these days.Lots of activities going on.Election campaign requires around 10000 to 15000 crores.Common man is just observing ,but today something critical strikes in the mind of common man.The solution to avoid petrol,diesel shortage is bio fuel.Everyone is recommending to be dependent on plants as a replica of non-renewable resources.I agree that there is no other option as such then to go green but there is the reverse side of the theory that we need to look in.The most important function of plants is there carbon dioxide consumption & oxygen released as the by product.US is giving targets to the companies to go green as much as possible but who is looking after the growth rate of plants.If they get destroyed then there will be dual destruction.Jatropa is a rain water forest plant through which bio fuel is extracted.If the number of these species will decline then it'll be a bigger disaster for the mankind.
Now giving critical view is still simple but the solution is something that makes the difference.We should give time to these communities to rehabilitate itself.For the sustainable development ,we should carry on the plantation work also.Then the world can definitely be considered as the green world,heavenly for all.