Musical Splendors :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The Tag line of Mountain Dew or the title made as above is so powerful that if accepted & acted upon by the people for good,will change the nation forever.
It is said that its just that one step which restricts the person to get the goal.If you take that step,you get your goal.
MS Dhoni took 1 step to play out of regular studies.He was ordinary,but now an extraordinary.
Sachin took 1 step to play out of regular studies.He was ordinary,but now an extraordinary.
Ambani took 1 step to start own venture ,quitting job.He was ordinary,but now extraordinary.
Kalaam took 1 step to continue study & work with struggle.He was ordinary, but now extraordinary.
Ordinary people hesitate to try something new.But if they do,they become the person of Extraordinary calibre.
I desire to see every person of my country to to get an "extra" prefix to their ordinary title by just taking one step.
They can do by leaving Personal issues & mutual cooperation.If you cannot resolve issues ,stop caring for those who don't care for you & take 1 step to get all what a human can get to be contempt .There is enough space for everyone's survival if they think so.Nation building starts from Common man.
Move on.Rock on..


It is important that CS have the courage,skill & knowledge to question policies whenever they contravene regulatory norms.
But often Professionals are made to function on the commands of the Company management,hence they fail to take independent view on the given situation.
The most essential part is to bring the change in the mindset.
It can be done through:-
  • Awareness
  • Legal accountability
  • Proven trackrecord by professionals
Comman man desires to see business having strong corporate priest or Company Secretary.


Its very important as far as business is concerned to avoid leakage of strategic decisions which can cost heavily.That is why topmost officials are conferred with these kind of responsibilities.I experimented by myself  to know some important lifetime experiences because i feel that its the period wherein i can experiment a lot without any risk.
My first experiment:-HOW FAR CAN I KEEP SECRETS?
I joined ICSI to pusue knowledge as well as  CS course in Feb'09.I made a point to avoid disclosure about my enrolment to see how strategically can i place my plans.The time i joined the course, it was due to my interest in knowing more about company functioning.But more importantly i desired not to go for the regular trend of getting a MBA degree further.Syllabus of BBM is almost similar to what a student get in MBA except more Case studies or a level higher.I thought of getting as much as i can in this BBM degree from the day i joined the BBM course.
When i came in my 4th semester of BBM , i knew that this is the time when i would publicly make my friends known to the CS part of my life.I got it as i wished.
Common man knows that god helps those who help themselves, so i am also helping myself strategically.